Monday, August 23, 2004

Where do we go from here?

Now I am fully immersed in the Blogosphere! But...where do we go from here? (A five-layer inside joke if you know me personally. Like a bean dip!)

This blog is where I will scrawl my witticisms on the bathroom stall that is the Internet. Pithy thoughts, ramblings, the occasional song lyric.

I wont wax political on my blog. There are others who compete in that arena far better than I. To paraphrase Scytale the Tleilaxu "I toddle, where they stride."

What I do know is pop culture, mayhem, and frivolity. I'm a creature filled with useless knowledge, and obsure quotes.

"And if you aren't careful, you might learn something before its done! So lets get ready, okay?"

Hey, hey, hey!


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