Sunday, September 12, 2004

Ramblin' Man

A friend read my blog recently and asked:

"Did you really break up with a girl on general principle due to Garth Brooks 'Ropin' the Wind'? I don't believe it. No one could really be that horrible."

Sigh. Yes, Gentle Reader, it's true.

In my long ago youth I dated a country girl. Now I have nothing personally against country music, its just not my bag. We had been dating for a bit when Mr. Brooks released the aforementioned album. She thought it was the Second Coming of the Beatles or something! (Even though I use that analogy in this narrative, she had no idea who they were.)
Couldn't stop talking about it. So passionate about it in fact, she loaned her only copy to me.
"You have just got to listen to this!"

Oh... ok....

A couple of weeks later she noticed it hadn't moved from my dashboard. A thin rime of dust had settled on it. She narrowed her eyes suspiciously at me. "You don't really like country music do you?"

Oh shit. The Honest Moment. It comes at strange moments in a realationship and here it was.

Take charge, TS! Tell her exactly how you feel!
"Er....well. You"

She smiled knowingly at me. "Boy, by the time I'm done with you, you'll be wearing a black cowboy hat and taking me to the Garth Brooks concert this October!"


I felt the chill in my spine because she was probably right.

Thousand Sons must run free and unfettered!
So I bailed. Stopped calling.

Sometimes I'll look back... brooding like Captain Kirk.
"Would it have hurt us a little...just to listen to country music?"

The short answer is no...and yes.

"And I wonder if she knows...what she's doin' now"


Blogger Thousand Sons said...

Bah. Principles, schminciples. I was young and foolish then. Now I am old and wicked.

9/13/2004 6:18 PM  
Blogger Thousand Sons said...

Welcome Jheka!

I wouldn't say I *totally* missed out, if you know what I mean! ;-)

At the time, I was very inflexible about my views about music. I was *seriously* metal in those days. Working at a record store helped open me up a bit, now I love just about everything.

I do like country, but more old country. Bluegrass and mountain music. The roots of which lie in Scotland and Ireland, but is as American as can be. I love the storytelling ballads a lot. 'Grandma's Song' by Gail Davies always gets me choked up when I hear it.

It was really more that she wanted to *change* me. I'm a very stubborn person, and sometimes the more someone pushes me-the deeper I dig in.

If it were now, I'd probably find some way to compromise.

Unfortunately, that ship sailed in 1992. *sigh*

9/18/2004 3:30 PM  

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