Friday, October 01, 2004

Harrrrrr! be Friday and that be Pirate Day where I'm from lads!

Now there be some enjoyable news regardin' pirates this week, me buckos.

S.E. Hinton, author of 'The Outsiders', has written a new tome entitled "Hawkes Harbor"!

Be clickin' yon link, ye bilge rats, here!

Now this be me favorite quote:

"There are pirates and sex, gunrunning and smuggling, and sailors who talk like sailors."

Har! That sounds like my kinda harbor, missy! Yarr har harr!' Outsiders. "Stay gold, Pony Boy!" Just stay away from me gold, if'n ye knows whats good for ye!

In other news, this pirate be seekin' a new port o' call hisself. There be some barnacle encrusted blackhearts what be on my ship of employ that needs sortin'out. Never double cross a pirate, ye landlubbers! I've sailed the Seven Seas, battled th' Kraken hisself, and laid waste to th' Dry Tortugas with ease! I fear thee not! I shan't be waitin' about for ye to light to me wit' th' long shanks, buckos. I'm jumpin' ship! There be many a ship sailin' what needs a pirate, matey.

And there's a change in th' wind, says I....


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