Friday, December 31, 2004

Happy New Year!

This dream's in sight
You've got to admit it
At this point in time that it's clear
The future looks bright...

What a beautiful world this will be...
What a glorious time to be free...

-Donald Fagen, I.G.Y.

The end of the year and the end of an era.

2004 has been quite a year, filled with personal triumphs and tragedies.

And full of changes too. Some harder to accept than others.

But my friend Doug told me: "You know what? You've been reborn. You have a whole new life ahead of you! Embrace it!"

Indeed. Truer words of wisdom have never been spoken.

Tomorrow I officially take residence in 'Le Palais des Mille Fils'.

Like the mythical phoenix I will arise in glory to a new year!

Happy new year to everyone!
May the new year bring joy and happiness to you and your loved ones!

Liner Notes

So I'm fiddling around with my Blogger profile today. I decided I wanted a new random question. So I rolled the dice...

Random Question:

"You've broken up with your old band and are about to release your first solo album. Please write the liner notes:"

Hee hee! I've been wanting to do that since 1986! But I don't play in any bands (or musical instruments at all, really) so I never thought I'd have a chance! My little screed was too much for the Blogger profile, so I thought I'd share it with y'all out here...

Breakin' up is hard to do they say. Sorry that my old band mates didnt see the genius of my work!

This CD in your hot little hands is a concept album featuring the hottest prog rock, neo thrash, death metal opera ever created!

Thanks to JJ, Stringbean, Mr Clean, Nappy Dread, Salmon, Toad, and all the roadies!

Extra special thanks to Geoff Tate (guest vocal on Track 7 'Woman: Burn in Hell!')

Thanks to Gibson, Fender, Peavey, Tama, JBL for all the killer gear!

Special thanks to Jeannie at the label (a&r) for all her hard work! Who loves ya babe?

And most of all, thanks to all the die hard Thousand Sons fans out there who made this all possible!
You guys rock the f*ckin' hardest!
See you on tour 2005! XXOO -TS.


Monday, December 20, 2004


"It seems such a waste of time
If that's what it's all about...
Momma, if that's moving up,
than I'm moving out."
-Billy Joel

I'm moving! No, not in cyberspace, silly. The Blazing Fury remains firmly right here (for now). I'm transfering my spacial co-ordinates out there in Meatspace.

I despise moving with a passion. Truly, I'd rather take a beating than have to move.

If only there was some way to just, y'know, shove all my crap into another dimension and have it pop out again at my new location! But no.

The nomadic genes definitely passed over my DNA. The packrat genome is in abundance though! Somewhere within my double helix is a marker that says "Horde as much shit as possible!" Right next to the one that says "Dont grow any facial hair, jerk." Bah.

Soon I'll be moved and back to the business of purveying bloggie goodness to the masses!

Wednesday, December 15, 2004

That time of the night...again...

"Canio hurls his bitter accusations at Nedda..."

No! Pagliaccio non son!
Se il viso è pallido
è di vergogna,
e smania di vendetta!
L'uom riprende i suoi diritti,
e'l cor che sanguina
vuol sangue a lavar l'onta,
o maledetta!
No. Pagliaccio non son!
Son quei che stolido ti raccolse
orfanella in su la via
quasi morta di fame,
e un nome offriati
e un amor
ch'era febbre e follia!

Sperai, tanto il delirio
accecato m'aveva,
se non amor, pietà... mercé!
Ed ogni sacrifizio
al cor, lieto, imponeva,
e fidente credea
più che in Dio stesso, in te!
Ma il vizio alberga sol
ne l'alma tua negletta:
tu viscere non hai...
Sol legge è'l senso a te:
va, non merti il mio duol,
o meretrice abbietta,
vo' ne lo sprezzo mio
schiacciarti sotto i piè!

The comedy has ended.

Wednesday, December 01, 2004

At that time of the night

So if you ask me
How do I feel inside?
I could honestly tell you
We’ve been taken on a very long ride
And if my owners let me
Have some free time some day
With all good intention
I would probably run away
Clutching the short straw...