Sunday, November 28, 2004

Who broke da blog?

Thousand Sons, thats who!

Now I'm no primadonna looking for attention, but my weekly perusal of my Statcounter stats gives me a bit of satisfaction when I read it.

I enjoy the fact that other people like my stuff. Makes me feel I'm contributing to the world somehow.

Imagine my surprise when I opened my Statcounter and found nothing.

Zip, zero, nada. Flatlined!

OMG! WTF! and other chattery nonsense!

As a lackadaisical scribe I thought my laziness had caught up with me.

Head hung in shame, I hovered my pointer over the "Delete Blog" button.

Better to burn out than it is to rust.




Wait a minute.

When did this blog flatline exactly, Mr Spock?

"Analysis indicates November 11th, Captain."

Hmmm...right around the time I did interior decorating?

I deleted my own Statcounter script. Like a goddam rookie.


A quick fix here and there and my status as a underdog folk hero blogger is reaffirmed!

Man, I thought I'd lost my touch.

The blog must flow...

Thursday, November 25, 2004

I am the harlequin...

"Consumed with despair on discovering his wife's infidelity, Canio gets ready for performance because the show must go on... "

Recitar!... mentre preso dal delirio
non so più quel che dico
e quel che faccio!
Eppur... è d'uopo... sforzati!
Bah! Sei tu forse un uom?
Tu se' Pagliaccio...
Vesti la giubba,
e la faccia infarina.
La gente paga e rider vuole qua.
E se Arlecchin
t'invola Colombina,
ridi, Pagliacco, e ognun applaudirà!
Tramuta in lazzi
lo spasmo ed il pianto,
in una smorfia il singhiozzo
e'l dolor - Ah!
Ridi, Pagliaccio,
sul tuo amore infranto.
Ridi del duol che t'avvelena il cor.

Click Here for Translation

I guess this says it all....

It's over now, Lisa.


Saturday, November 13, 2004

The Camera's Eye

"If only you could see what I've seen with your eyes..."
Blade Runner

Thousand Sons has gone multimedia!

Go check out my Buzznet site.

Not a whole lot posted...yet. But I hope to get some more stuff by the end of the weekend.

Sigh. Just what I need. Another project.


Thursday, November 11, 2004

A new look

Darkness everywhere and nothing more.

Simple, strange melancholy...
painted torrid colours to a sky of green.
one night only,
far away,
in chillness,
bleak, unseen.

Drifting galley,
ghostlike shadow,
set sail to catch
and kill the time.
Echoes wandering down
an endless meadow,
search for a thing... sublime...

-Fly to the Rainbow

Saturday, November 06, 2004

#1 Super Happy Fun Post!

Lets cleanse the palate, shall we?

Its Saturday Night, so lets talk about something new.

What is it about the combination of anime and J-pop thats soooo addictive?

Is it the bright candy colors or catchy beats?


First it was FuriKuri and The Pillows.

Now its Teen Titans and Puffy AmiYumi!

Go check out the Theme video, but I warn you... the song is infectious.

It'll stick in your head for days.

You'll find youself thinking "T-e-e-n T-i-t-a-n-s! Teen Titans! Lets go!" at weird intervals during the day.

Don't say I didn't warn you!
