Thursday, September 30, 2004

The shortest straw

So if you ask me
How do I feel inside
I could honestly tell you
We've been taken on a very long ride
And if my owners let me
Have some free time some day
With all good intentions
I would probably run away
Clutching the short straw...

Sunday, September 26, 2004

From the Null Chamber

Today is hangover day.

I'm getting caught up with all my correspondence.

Just the warm glow of my internet connection, while suspended in a warm tank of Gatorade and caffeine.

This is about my speed today. No loud noises or strenuous activity.

My wonderful ISP delivered my new high speed modem today!

The nice girl tech hooked it up while I sloshed about in my tank like a 3rd stage Guild Navigator:
Posted by Hello

"You are transparent! I see through you!"

"Beg your pardon?!"

"Never mind. Do you require Gatorade?"

The new modem is a onyx black wedge of bandwidth love.

The blog must flow.....

Saturday, September 25, 2004


'Punk' was a catagory on Jeopardy tonight.

Henry Rollins. The Clash. Iggy Pop.

These are Giants that stride the earth like colossi.

Let that sink in deep, then read the opening line again:

'Punk' was a catagory on Jeopardy tonight!

The music that fueled the rage of generations is now 'square' enough to be game show questions. Or 'safe'. That depresses me on some weird level.

I know it happens to the best of us. Everyday times they are a changin'.

Will Slipknot be used to sell cars someday? Or fries like Quiet Riot?

Who else will fall? X? Dead Kennedys....or Dead Milkmen?

Screw it. I'm gonna play Big Black at 3 am and tell the neighbors they can all get fucked!

Monday, September 20, 2004

Glory to the Empire!

All this pirate talkin' got me feeling nostalgic for my days playing Warhammer 40k! I wrote a little short story set in the 'Battlefleet Gothic' game a while ago. Commander Kehntari isn't really a pirate at all, really more a privateer. But I miss his style! I loved writing his dialogue. Wish I could talk like that all the time! :) Bonus points to everyone who catches all the Pink Floyd quotes in the third story.

Praise to the Emperor! After many months of laboring in vain on my stricken vessel, I decided that only the Adeptus Mechanicus could properly minister to its injuries. The tech priest breathed life into my injured craft, but only briefly. "Its spirit is sick, m'lord." hissed the priest. "The organ which controls the mighty rumble of its heart is damaged. You must find a replacement." "Zounds!" I cried. "No mean feat, that. For it is a relic, predating even the Heresy!" So began the perilous quest, which led to the Eye of Terror and back. Many leads were followed to no avail. Then, a pirate vessel in orbit around the lonely outpost world of U-Tah proffered a module for purchase. "A worthy module, m'lord. And such a handsome price!" "So be it, freebooter!" I cried in a loud voice. "But be warned, the wrath of the Legion will be upon you should your claims prove false!" Now I await the arrival of my precious module, stranded in the Necromunda Hive, languishing. Perhaps the friendly natives will entertain me?


Praise to the Emperor! After many months of languishing in Hive, the precious module has arrived! It came not from U-Tah as we originally believed but Khen’tukhi, a savage world beyond known Imperial space. We brought the strange device to the Adeptus Mechanicus, that they might begin the Rites of Repair and Engine Prep. “The Machine God demands a tithe, o lord” wheezed the tech priest. I searched my person for a worthy gewgaw. Finally, I gave the priest a ring of adamantine I gained during the Scouring of Delvan V, a bauble from a shattered world. “A fortunate token, m’lord. The Machine God is pleased. We will begin the Rite.” Silently I cursed all priests of technology. Their ways are not the ways of good fighting men! After waiting what seemed to be many hours a loud, throaty rumble filled the air. A shudder of joy ran through me! “She lives! By the Emperors Teeth, she lives!” I exclaimed, shaking my fist. “Beware minions of Chaos! The pride of the Fleet rides the spaceways again! Look you to your ramparts, vain Eldar, the Fist of the Emperors Might comes to smite you!” “What is our destination, Commander?” asked the navigator. “Terra system! The Imperial Shipyards of Mars! I believe it is time to find another warship to carry on the fight, before this one dies the Final Death!” Ah, to be sailing in the inky black of space once again! To have freed my feet from yon worthless rock! By my beard, space flight has never tasted so sweet!


After many months of space travel and trouble with the interstellar overdrive, Mars laid before us like a crimson jewel. We were met in orbit by a high ranking Tech Priest. “Greetings Commander,” intoned the priest. “I am Bishop Essington Strek, I am Chief of the Imperial Shipyards.“
“Greetings!” I boomed. “This ancient ship I command has been through many battles, and it is time to obtain another.”
“According to our records, the Admiralty approved your transfer request years ago. Why have you waited all this time for a new ship?” he asked.
“Waste not, want not.” I shrugged. “Besides, the call to battle is hard to ignore.”
“Indeed,” he agreed. “Your reputation precedes you, Commander.”, he said shuffling his paperwork. “You are currently assigned to a Firestorm class frigate. The Admiralty is assigning you to a Dauntless class cruiser.”
“A Dauntless?” I breathed. Long had I yearned for such a craft. Its smooth lines and curves belie its enormous firepower and speed.
“What colour is it?” I asked.
“Why, any colour you like!” he replied.
I knew the answer in an instant. “Black, then. Black as a starless night! Black as an Eldar’s soul!” “Very good. It is in orbit on the dark side of the moon, Phobos. What is to be done with your old ship m’lord?” asked the priest.
Strewth! I had given no thought to the old girl. She had been a loyal servant. I was even willing to forgive the time I was becalmed in the Sargasso of Space! She was too proud to be sold to some rogue trader, or left for a space hulk. What would be an appropriate end for her?

Then it occurred to me. “Set controls for the heart of the sun, Priest! Her grave shall be the fat old sun!”

Scurry back to the Eye of Terror, o Chaos! Flee my wrath, o green skinned Orks! The pride of the Fleet now rides an ebony war-horse! Together we shall bring the Emperors Light to this benighted galaxy!”

Yours in Imperial Service,

Commander Kehntari

Sunday, September 19, 2004


Arrrr.... avast, ye scurvies!

Today be International Talk Like a Pirate Day!
Now gets to conversatin' pirate like, landlubbers, or you'll be restin' in Davy Jones' Locker!


Update: 9/20 12:01 am

Avast! Twelve bells and alls well! That be meanin......pirate day is over! :(

I had a great time pirating it up across the Blogosphere! I don't think I can wait another year. Maybe I'll make every Friday Pirate Day around here? Now that would be worth celebratin' me buckos! Har harrrrrr!

Sunday, September 12, 2004

Ramblin' Man

A friend read my blog recently and asked:

"Did you really break up with a girl on general principle due to Garth Brooks 'Ropin' the Wind'? I don't believe it. No one could really be that horrible."

Sigh. Yes, Gentle Reader, it's true.

In my long ago youth I dated a country girl. Now I have nothing personally against country music, its just not my bag. We had been dating for a bit when Mr. Brooks released the aforementioned album. She thought it was the Second Coming of the Beatles or something! (Even though I use that analogy in this narrative, she had no idea who they were.)
Couldn't stop talking about it. So passionate about it in fact, she loaned her only copy to me.
"You have just got to listen to this!"

Oh... ok....

A couple of weeks later she noticed it hadn't moved from my dashboard. A thin rime of dust had settled on it. She narrowed her eyes suspiciously at me. "You don't really like country music do you?"

Oh shit. The Honest Moment. It comes at strange moments in a realationship and here it was.

Take charge, TS! Tell her exactly how you feel!
"Er....well. You"

She smiled knowingly at me. "Boy, by the time I'm done with you, you'll be wearing a black cowboy hat and taking me to the Garth Brooks concert this October!"


I felt the chill in my spine because she was probably right.

Thousand Sons must run free and unfettered!
So I bailed. Stopped calling.

Sometimes I'll look back... brooding like Captain Kirk.
"Would it have hurt us a little...just to listen to country music?"

The short answer is no...and yes.

"And I wonder if she knows...what she's doin' now"

Where is the Funny?!?

Sorry gang. Had to roll out two of four major projects at work last week, no time for deep bloggy thoughts. :(

Exhaustion cramps the blazing fury style.

Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Access Denied...

*From barbaric communications:

Blogspot has taken a dump. Their java is screwed so I cant post and no one can comment!

I have thoughts...thoughts I tell you! Such thoughts I have in my head, and I cant get them to The People!

Arrrgh! It's all just so frustrating! The thoughts! They bubble over in my head! Christ! I may have to resort to writing them down! Like a chimp! Horror.

Damn you Blogspot! I'm a paying customer and this is how I get treated?!


No I'm not. Paying that is.


Dont they understand The People need me?!

People I don't even know are linking to me.
The People demand content! Content I cannot provide in this crippled state!
I may be forced to stand outside on the hood of my car shouting at passersby:
"Hey! Did you ever listen to Radiohead? It's fucking brilliant!"
"Who the fuck are you?!"
"Ha ha! I'm Thousand Sons, bitch!"

UPDATE: BlogSpot, I don't know what you did but you saved my sanity. Thousand thanks from Thousand Sons! I take back every mean thing I ever said. Which was nothing. If you hear otherwise, that wasn't me. It was some guy named Thompson...

Tuesday, September 07, 2004

With gratitude, again

Thousand Sons has a thousand ears and a thousand eyes!

(Actually, I guess that would be two thousand eyes. Be quiet! I'm talking...)

Thanks be to Lost Vowels from Merrie Olde England for linking to my little blog.

Anyone who uses 'huzzah' in casual conversation is great in my book!

I, Anonymous

"Contrary to the conventional wisdom, it's posting song lyrics to your blog that's the last refuge of the incompetent. Happily, we're all feeling our way through this fucking coal mine called reality, and anyone that brags competency is a goddamn liar. Welcome, friend."

Well. Well! I don't know what to say except...

"Well I been workin’ in a coal mine
Goin’ down down
Workin’ in a coal mine
Whew about to slip down"

Ho ho! I have not yet begun to display my incompetence! ;-)

You do make an excellent point though. The Blogosphere is infested with would be poets whose greatest skill is Copy+Paste=Angst!

But this blog is no fucking "Titanic Weeping Party" with Celine Dion lyrics and searing MIDI squeal.

Music and especially lyrics are integral to my very being. People who know me in the Real World know this about me. Every event, major or minor, in my life I can tie to a song or obscure quote.

Did you know I get a pain in my stomach when I hear "Hallelujah" by Rufus Wainright because that was the first song I listened to after I heard about my friends accident?

Did you know I once broke up with a girl on general principle due to Garth Brooks "Ropin' the Wind"?

Well, of course not, gentle Anonymous reader. Because I haven't told you yet. But without a reference to the music, the events are merely two-dimensional.

"Now, the making of a good compilation tape is a very subtle art. Many do's and don'ts. First of all you're using someone else's poetry to express how you feel.This is a delicate thing."

I guess the same can apply to blogs as well. So I will endevour to give some context to my posts containing lyrics.

As my blog is so new and still bloody from birth, mistakes will be made.

I can promise you there will never be posts on cats, news, politics, or kids on my site while I'm at the helm. Nor crappy MIDI music. Or recipes for soup. Or goddam dancing baby animations.

The coal mine is not impossible to navigate. It just needs a little light.

So I do hope you return and enjoy my scrawls!

But if you don't, well, just click on the little "Next Blog" in the upper right hand corner and read another blog about someones goddam fucking cats, children or rehash of the news.

You have the power...

Monday, September 06, 2004


What the hell happened here last night?

Who let the drunk drive this blog home??

I mean...really. Geez.

Thousand Sons to World: I'm sorry.

Will you take me back?

Why you gotta make me crazy like that, baby?!


Yep. Thats me. Stewed...

I'm breaking a rule: never blog drunk. But...what the hell...

I'll probably regret this tomorrow morning, but I don't care.

I've drank several Guinness tonite and I'm generally mad at the world right now.

Thousand Sons to World: Drop dead.

I'm sick of all of you. You fucking fuckers.

Go to hell...

Saturday, September 04, 2004

Push and Pull...

Mr. Nothing's got a lot
He's got a lot to say
He's good at being what he's not
Gives nothing away

Another day goes on by
And he never speaks his heart
He takes his chance with what he's got
It's too late now to stop

You push and you pull
and struggle with the knot
It's tying you up while you're fadin'
You give and you take and take what you got
Round and round 'till it breaks and
You push and you pull and struggle with the knot
It's tying you up while you're fadin' into your lie

Mr. Nothing is late
He's running out of time
He questions whether chance or fate will ever show a sign
Looks to the sky above
For a glimpse of what it means
And 'now or never' never made
Made more sense to him

-Nikka Costa


It was summer on the north coast,
the wrong coast, they call it in the East.
It was summer. And summer means rain.

Rain disolved the islands in the sound,
it buried mountains and turned the ocean gray.
I listened to it rattle at my window.

Funny, how you wake some days
in the middle of the morning, and know
somehow a part of the world had died.

another language lifted from our tongues,
another way of knowing. And you don't know
whether the pulse you feel is yours

or is the fading beat of the world.
An eagle is not a symbol for a thing.
It was early summer or late spring.

I listened to the rain.
For all its tenderness and wealth,
the earth is often a meagre gift.

But to know and not speak
is the greatest grief. Listen.
The world flows away like a wave.

-Sam Hamill